Do you love memes?
We have the best soundboard on the market with all your favorite meme sounds. You can use these sounds to make fun of your friends, prank strangers, or just for laughs. Our app is easy to use and has a ton of different sounds that will keep you entertained for hours! is a website build by the users for the users. On Soundboardguy you can download over 100,000 sound effects and create your own personalized soundboard.
Our Start
The idea for SoundBoardGuy came when we were discussing our love for content on apps like 9gag, Giphy, and Reddit. In today’s world, memes and gifs offer us the opportunity to make an inside joke that the entire internet is a part of.
Memes and soundboards carry more power than what meets the eye. They have changed the way we digitally communicate. So, we were discussing what will be the next best thing. We use images and moving pictures within social media communication, but what about… sound?
With the increasing use of smart objects and digital technologies, sound plays a vital role in our everyday communication. And that was our ‘aha moment’ for creating SoundBoardGuy.
SoundBoardGuy makes finding new sounds a cakewalk. You can quickly discover memes, sound effects, tv show theme songs, movie soundtracks, and any trending sound from our website.
Future and Goals
Our current plan is to keep improving the website, to provide a better user experience and make it easy for our users Our mission is to revolutionize and change the way we communicate. We want to make it faster, fluent, and fun. In other words,
Contact Information
If you any questions or suggestions, feel free to contact at us at [email protected]